Textile Print (Digital and Screen)
I have done both digital and screen printing on multiple occasions. I create my first digital print in Year 9 at school. I first experienced screen printing in my second year at university.
Digital Print 2015
I created my first digitally printed fabric in 2015 during my Design and Technology class at school. I then used this fabric to create a 1950s dress. I used watercolour to make the initial design and then manipulated it in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I won the best textile design award at my school, chosen by the owner of Tessuti Fabrics. She said it reminded her of a Gorman print.
Digital Print 2020
I created two digital print designs for my Textile Lab subject at university. One was for a tie and the other a scarf.
Screen Print 2020
I took a screen printing elective in 2020 at university. We had to design a subversive floral print. So I decided to turn the four elements; earth, water, fire and air into flower shapes.
Screen Print 2021
I created 3 different screen print designs for my menswear collection.