I added a shoulder strap to the dress toile and tried it on. I found that it did not fit properly around the bust and the back on the right side. I also found that one shape was too angular and so needed to be curved. The back of the dress was also longer than the front making it unbalanced so I needed to adjust the back of it.
Initial Fit
Edited Toile
Labelling of notches and pieces
Creating the Pattern Pieces
The Pattern Pieces
Next Steps:
Make dress lining pattern
Test piping with final fabric (waiting for piping cord to arrive)
Test full pattern with in toile
If all of these are successful create dress in final fabric
Finish front pattern and test
Finish collar and lapel pattern and test
Change sleeve and create pattern - test
Test magnet closure
If all of these are successful make in final fabric
I would like some advice on the best way to finish the jacket. Should I fully line it or use facings? If facings where should they be? If lining the jacket how should I do this?
Also please note I have not been feeling 100% this past week so have not done as much as I had hoped/planned.