Bespoke 2020: Adaptive High Fashion
The Fit Session
Before the fit I changed my jacket toile to add a wave design element to the back and removed the bulbous shapes at the front to make the design more streamlined. I wanted to continue this wave shape into the front of the jacket through the pockets and lapel and collar shape.
To create my first dress toile I used a basic dress block that I already had and started to draw design lines on it and then cut them. Once I had cut the skirt up I decided that it would be an overskirt in organza, so I sewed another piece of fabric to the bodice under the overskirt to create the base of the dress.
Going into the fit I wanted to check these elements of the garments or add them:
Overall fit especially the sleeve length
Change the shape of the lapel and collar
Add Pockets
Check the fit over the dress
Mark positions for closures
Neck and back fit
Bust fit
Underskirt fit
Attaching the overskirt at the hem
Fitting: The Jacket Toile
Fitting: The Dress & Jacket Toile
Fitting: The Dress Toile
Patternmaking and Construction
Jacket marked with red marker to transfer design lines, pockets and notches to pattern.
Outcome of Fitting:
The sleeves were too long so I marked the new sleeve length.
I changed the shape of the lapel and collar to fit more with the overall look of the garment.
I added a side pocket and breast pocket which were the same style as the 3D wave design at the back of the jacket.
The fit of the jacket over the dress was good though I am not sure if the length of the jacket and dress work well together.
I marked the placement of the magnet closures on the centre front
I also decided to use a magnet closure on the side pocket to hold the 3D shape and to close the pocket.
The jacket works well with my theme of the birds eye view with the use of 3D shapes making it look like a landscape from a above but also making it interesting to view from the birds eye view.
I need to create the whole dress pattern from the toile as this was the first toile based on a dress block that has been changed significantly.
I love the neckline shape of the dress, on the pattern I need to adjust the back of the halter neck to fit me.
The back of the dress was not fitted enough for the halter neck style, so I need to take it in at the sides and centre back.
The bust of the dress fit perfectly.
I need to create an underskirt pattern to attach to the bodice
I need to turn the wave pieces into individual pattern pieces to be attached to the bodice
I also need to mark where the overskirt wave pieces will attach together at the overskirt hem.
I am also considering using the wave technique from the back of the jacket on the wave pieces of the overskirt to create an interesting 3D shape.
The dress works well with my theme of the birds eye view with the wave overskirt making it look like a landscape from above.