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Week 5

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

Notes From Alyssa in Studio

  • nice!!

  • tucks on the back - instead create seams that pull away

  • be wary of your design features and bulbous shapes integrating well into the shape

  • can go a bit costume

  • colour palette needs work

  • bring it more towards fashion

  • satin really hard to sew and will not hold those shapes well

  • Add fullness to jacket

  • Incorporate shapes into jacket more, into collar and over into the back

Sketching Over the top of Jacket Toile

Incorporating the 3D forms into the garment itself and extending to back of jacket.

Turning collar into 3D shape.

Notes from Alyssa on this design idea:

Really great how this is taking shape, the pieces that are pulling away from the body appear much better integrated into the overall design. I want you to push scale, in order to support this type of approach your jacket needs to be a lot larger, feels a bit too constrained to the upper body, consider dropping the hem a fair bit, maybe to mid thigh to start and repeating the draped shapes (bolbous forms) at a much larger scale. Scale up maybe 300% and see how this would work to replace a whole back or side panel.

When thinking about the hem - I understand that this is going over a wheelchair - think about ways that you can start to bring in the shape of the chair -  drop the hem so that it covers arm rests, can cover the front of the legs… etc

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