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About Me

I am a fashion designer who has an interest in learning new techniques across many creative disciplines. Since learning to sew at age 11, I haven’t stopped. I am always trying to extend my skills and use them in new and creative ways. My research into steampunk has allowed me understand that this creative use of skills in unique ways is key to the subculture. The more I investigated the subculture the more I identified with their values. 

Project  Synopsis

Steampunk is art meeting science and history through creative Janusian Thinking. It ‘is a creative social movement that draws inspiration from Victorian and pre-war history in an anachronistic mix of science fiction, modern values, and a sense of fun.’ [Tinker 2012, p.7] The movement started in the Victorian Era but is still current today. It is a subculture of science fiction evolved from ‘cyberpunk’. Steampunk is for everyone as it is an ideal of how the past meets the future through technology and fashion with modern social ideas. The concept of steampunk was originally acknowledged and named in 1987 by writer K. W. Jeter. Steampunks are generally highly creative and artistically inclined individuals. They show their rebellion through their clothes and lifestyles as they ‘stand against a throwaway society, poor manners and antisocial behavior, homogenization, and crude commercialism.’ [Tinker 2012, p.7] The key ideal of Steampunk is to ‘be nice to one another.’ [Tinker 2012, p.7]

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